6 Ways To Get The Quiet Luxury Look With The Furniture And Decor You’ve Got

Understated in elegance this design style is quickly becoming very popular. The fashion world is following suit. This trend will stick around for a very long time because it is achieved by buying quality pieces for your home and using decor pieces that are timeless. Don’t throw out all of your furniture though. Here are some ways to get this look with what you’ve got.

  • Create a comfortable space in the room you are decorating where you can unwind and de stress like a retreat using your home for cocooning by using subtle understated elegance in your home decor.
  • Use natural woods, metal and stones can elevate your look to more luxurious. Craftsmanship is key in your furnishings.
  • Art pieces that look authentic and real. Not the store bought kind. Possibly bought in a second hand store, flea market, garage sale or thrift store.
  • Decorate with Bespoke pieces of home decor. Pieces that you have collected that you love. Old and vintage but not overbearing. No one piece overpowers the room.
  • Choose vintage or beautiful mirrors, upscale simple lighting, quality rugs, and a gentle merging of several different eras of home decor.
  • No logos, muted tones, and cozy fabrics create the Quiet Luxury look. Add some naturals to your room.

I look around at my home and within its walls are many pieces of furniture. None of which I bought (we were given a lot of furniture that was no longer wanted and we have tried to improve the look of each piece.) Our beds we bought (a purchase we made when we moved in.) It is a mix of many different eras and styles but I’ve got experience on my side because I know how to change the look of my furniture and home decor with a few well thought out tricks. You can get the look of Quiet luxury a little at a time. It has an expensive sound to it. However, this is more about carefully planning how you will decorate and what you will put in each room. Do this strategically and you can acheive this look of luxury in no time.

Quiet Luxury in a room invites a cozy retreat feeling.

Create Cozy, Subtle Elegance Home Decor With These Ideas

Take a good look at each room in your home. Start with one room at at time. Rinse and repeat. You know the room you keep looking fresh and clean so when guests arrive, you can usher them right in even if the rest of the house is in shambles. I have a room like that. You want your home to be comfy. Also cozy.

  • Start removing any clutter. Clutter is unsettling and destroys the restful feel of the room.
  • Consider moving your furniture pieces so they are more conversational and interesting. Do you have places where people can visit or a comfy corner with a chair and plenty of pillows that is well lit by lighting so they can just curl up in a comfy corner and read a book?

Making a room look like a room you can get lost in for days because it is inviting and welcoming, people call this cocooning. A place you feel pampered and safe and would rather relax or escape in then go out for the evening. Let’s continue on and find out other ways to give your room a Quiet Luxury.

Add Some Elegant Elements

I’m lucky because my hubby is a talented woodworker. So is his dad. I have been given some beautiful wooden vases turned on a lathe. I’ve also collected some nice home decor pieces that add elegance to a room. Craftsmanship in furniture plays an important role in this look. Maybe you don’t have a beautifully made couch. Take a look at your couch and chairs.

  • Here is an idea. Cover your couch or chairs with velvet type fabric blankets for a self made slip cover. Or buy actual slip covers that will upgrade the look of your couch.
  • Take your time and watch for a couch that will elevate the look of your room. Save your money or get the look by adding slip covers or blankets that are tucked and pinned to look professional as mentioned above at least until you can upgrade your couch or chairs.
  • Add some pillows that are made of silk, velvet, or other high end fabric that will give your couch a facelift. You can hand make pillows or buy them.
  • Anything plastic should be removed from your room. Bring in natural woods (can you make or buy a sofa table with natural wood?) It can be handmade or something you buy. Don’t rule out shopping at thrift stores. They hide lots of treasures that can take your room from ho hum and make it Quiet Luxury in design.
  • Add some metal or stone to upgrade your room. Stone coffee table, stone vase, or even a piece of stone sculpture.
Art can add so much to your Quiet Luxury room.

Let’s Talk Art

A piece of beautiful art can add to the Quiet Luxury look. You won’t find what you need at local box stores. Once again head to second hand stores, flea markets, or thrift stores. They often get hand me down art that will look perfect in that room you are trying to elevate to Quiet Luxury. My sweet mother in law was a painter. A watercolor artist. So I use her pieces of art to display in my home. They are original and perfect for pulling this look off. You don’t want to use art that is cheaply copied over and over again and sold in your local big box. Garage sales also if you shop around enough could lend itself to just the right piece for your room.

You don’t want any piece of decor or furniture to stand out so bold and loud that it takes all the energy from those who walk into the room. Remember you want to achieve subtle elegance.

Did Someone Say Bespoke?

First what does that even mean you say? Bespoke is a single piece of decor or furniture that is customized just for you and your sanctuary. “Old but not bold” is a saying used in correlation with Quiet Luxury. You might find a piece like this on Etsy where you could have someone design something for you. It might even be a quilt to lay over a chair in the room you are designing that you can cozy up the room with when the weather turns chilly.

I found a small elegant footstool that I put in my front room. It has a cushy velvety lid that can be removed. I bought it from a thrift store for about five bucks. It was a great find! So peruse your local thrift store often when looking for pieces of furniture, home decor, or art for your Quiet Luxury room if you don’t have those things on hand. They are usually cost effective.

Pillows add interest and elegance to your room.

Pillows Please

I know I mentioned this already but pillows play a surprisingly big part in the look of a room. Elegant pillows can instantly bring in Quiet Luxury. Silk, tapestry, velvet, satin, sateen, etc… these fabrics give you that simple but beautiful elegance. Keep in mind that you don’t want any one piece to take over the look of the room. Keep it subtle.

Something Old, Something New, Mirrors, Rugs, & Lighting

I have a love for old things. It is just something I have developed over the years. I think certain antiques and old vintage decor have character. I know, it’s a talent to see it but I see it. Use some vintage pieces merged with other items from various eras to decorate with. You know that old adage without implications from a wedding “Something old and something new”…it applies here. Maybe you have an old vintage quilt that you can use to throw over a couch or chair.

Try using these things to Quiet Luxury a room:

  • Mirrors bring in a vibe. There are all kinds of vintage and elegant style mirrors. Either hang one on your wall or stand one against the wall if you have a mirror to use.
  • Rugs are a great way to add luxury to a room. Make sure it is high quality and again not too bold. Let it merge with the vibe of the colors and look of your room.
  • Lighting is another thing that can instantly change the look of your room. Find some beautiful classy lights you can add to your room. Perhaps put a floor lamp on each side of your couch. The lamp shade should be a neutral colored linen or silk. Maybe you have two lamps you can set on a credenza or dresser in your front room. Put a floor lamp in a corner by a comfy chair for relaxing and reading in. Put lamps on a piano or hang a lamp over a piece of art.

Loose The Logos, Muted Tones, And Cozy Fabrics

In a Quiet Luxury style, it isn’t about expensive logos. Muted colors are the name of the game with this style of design. So you could paint your room too in a neutral or soft color to make it more the Quiet Luxury design. Another easy to add Quiet Luxury Design home decor item take your pottery, ceramic, or wood vase and add some natural faux leaves or flowers and set it in your room.

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