A Beginner’s Guide To Decorating A New Home Build

You’re ready to dive in building a new home. Blueprints submitted and contractor hired. You can’t wait until it is ready to go and you move in. There are steps you should be taking before you move in so you are ready to decorate and make your home cozy, comfortable and designed your way.

  • Figure out your design style.
  • Go through each room and write down what you envision in that room.
  • What color do you want your walls and home to be.
  • What kind of floors do you want?
  • Zero in on cabinet hardware for kitchen and bathrooms.
  • How To Make Your Bedroom cozy?
  • Design your entryway.
  • Add some of your personality to your decor.
  • Decorate slowly and a little at a time.
  • Make your porch simply welcoming.

It can be so exciting even overwhelming to think about designing and decorating a new home. My hubby and I have built two homes and sold those ourselves. We then bought an older home that needed tender loving remodeling. That is where we at today…in the remodeling phase. So I understand the whole new build and then design the interior overwhelm thing but personally I enjoy it! (No I am not crazy. I have learned a thing or two over the years which I will share with you.) You can too, enjoy the process I mean if you chunk it down, plan it out, and know what to watch for and shop for so you end up with a home you can be proud of and feel comfy and cozy in.

Figure Out Your Design

There are so many home styles and designs to choose from. You may like a certain style or you may combine one or two styles together. If you aren’t sure just what your design style is, don’t despair. I can help you. I learned this the hard way. Trial and error and lots of error but that is ok. My mistakes are your gain because I have continued to learn how to make a home cohesive, comfy, and cozy by following these 11 steps to help you identify what your style or styles may be. Also how to incorporate your style into your home. What Is Your Home Design Style? 11 Easy Steps There are so many different aspects of a new home build that you have to make decisions for like lighting, paint colors inside your home and out, drapes, rugs, bedding, wall decor, bathrooms, etc…It is so much easier to design a home and to know what to shop for if you can carefully figure out what home design style(s) sing to you.

Home design books can be helpful when you are trying to decorate and design a new home inside and out.

What Is Your Vision

Take some poster board and cut it in half. You will need one halved poster board for each room in your home. Label the name of each room at the top like “bathroom”, “living room”, “kitchen”. etc… Here is where you get to be crafty. Vision boards really are helpful! As you gather information about your style, print off rooms you see online that you like. Tear out (yes you have permission to tear out pictures from your magazines) and put them on your poster board. You can put all your online likes in a pinterest file then print those ideas out so you can see all of your vision for that room come to life. I think it is better to have it in front of you on your vision board. Gather a swatch of fabric and whatever you need for that room to come together. You will also find some really great ideas here (I had a chance to review a home design book by Marion Parsons of “Little Mustard Seed” and loved it.) How To Decorate A Room Step By Step “With Feels Like Home” by Marion Parsons The steps I mention from her book in my post are super helpful. It will give you more designing and decorating confidence. I love that you don’t have to buy everything new for a new home build. Use things you already have to make your home comfy and cozy. Shop second hand too. Just make sure each thing you put in a room, should be there. No clutter allowed!

The Big Question What Paint Color?

Paint color is a biggie for this reason. Paint can influence your mood and the style of your home. No worries though. It also the easiest way to change the feel and look of a room and also the most inexpensive way to change a room’s design. Explore paint colors, play around with them. Gather paint chips and add them to our vision board. How To Choose Paint Color With Confidence It’s all about once again finding your style and then finding colors that bring you serenity, comfort, and add to that all over cozy feeling in each room you decorate.

Tile, carpet, wood, cement? So many options to choose from when it comes to flooring.


You have a whole lot of options when choosing flooring for each room of your new home build. You want something that will merge with the style you are trying to create and flooring that will last a very long time. Easy maintenance is a plus too. Since the kitchen is usually the heart of the home, and gets a lot of traffic and wear and tear your flooring needs to hold up and stand the test of time. How To Choose The Best Flooring For Your Kitchen This was a decision that took me awhile to make when remodeling our current kitchen. Consider the kitchen floor carefully and then make your choice.

Until you are sure of what you want in each room when it comes to flooring, gather samples and attach them to your poster boards (aka vision boards) for each room. You want your flooring to flow room to room. Color is important too when choosing. If you put a wood floor down you can always put a beautiful cushy, colorful or neutral rug in that space too. It makes your flooring a little more versatile than laying carpet in a room.

Photo from Modern Farmhouse Style magazine Spring 2021 p.66

It Is In The Details

Even the smallest of decor has to be planned out like cabinet hardware in the kitchen and the bathrooms. It doesn’t need to stress you out though. An Easy Style Guide For Choosing Cabinet Hardware Once you have decided on your style and how you will use that style in each room, you can choose the cabinet hardware for your home more easily. You may even want to change the look of an old dresser. Next to painting your dresser, this is the easiest way to do that.

Cozy Bedrooms

It really is important to consider how you can make your home a refuge of comfort and extra cozy. I am not talking about spending a bunch of money to do this either. What I mean if you design each room carefully keeping in mind that you want your family to welcome and serenity in your home you can create a home that is just that cozy, comfortable, and welcoming. When you design your bedrooms you might want to do this How To Make Your Bedroom Cozy

Design Your Entryway

When you enter a home, the entryway tells a lot about the people who live there. It also tells about your style. What story do you want to tell? How Do I Decorate My Entryway? Consider the size of space you have in your entryway. Vaulted ceilings? Small cozy area? Again don’t clutter your entryway with stuff. Study your design style. Think about what you already have and what you want to put in that space. Then you can purchase a rug or decor that you might need for that area and it will make sense. Put something unexpected and make sure this space is welcoming so when guests walk through your front door they are delighted to be in your home.

Add simple and fun sprinkles of your personality throughout your home.

Add Personality

Don’t forget in your decorating and designing to put your signature on rooms in your home. What I mean is show your personality. Perhaps you traveled to Europe and you have some souvenirs you can weave in and out in little places in your home. Show what you love and who you and your family is. Make your home livable. Don’t worry if your home isn’t the taj mahal. It doesn’t need to be. Make the most of what you have and despite the size of your home, you can create the most beautiful, comfortable, and cozy refuge where your family will not only want to stay and hang out but friends and guests will love coming there too.

Don’t Rush The Inspiration

You don’t have to hurry up and decorate. Sometimes you have to live in a space for a while to know how you want to decorate a room and what makes sense to you. You will have to paint and do your flooring, decide on countertops, add furnishings, and big type items in your home first. Before you move in, get an idea of how you would like to design each room by using your vision boards.

Start decorating slowly room by room decorating it and designing it in a way that you want to. And plan to. Designing your rooms this way prevents you from spending more money than you need to. You will also save yourself time, because you will be more intentional about what you buy and know that the item you are adding to your home is meant to be there. It’s wanted. Therefore this cuts out having to redo a room because you hurried to throw it together and you don’t like it. You will be more happy with your results.

What a cute way to decorate a porch!
Modern Farmhouse Style Magazine p.27

Make Your Porch Welcoming

With just a few items you can make your porch say to people who come to visit, “Welcome!” Consider adding a rug, maybe a plant or two, a cute chair, a wreath on the door or a cute Home Decor Sign that just sends out a message that you are glad they are here and that they are about to enter a welcoming, cozy abode.

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