Are Outdoor Fireplaces Worth It?

I would love an outdoor space to chill with family and friends. We have a rough fire pit in our large backyard and it serves its purpose but it would be so nice to have a real fireplace with a sectioned off space with seating and a table for entertaining. This can be a family gathering place. A place to entertain and enjoy year round with family or friends.

Here are reasons it is worth considering:

  1. Enjoying nature and the outdoors is good for everyone.
  2. Having a place to entertain outdoors opens up new possibilities for fun for family and friends.
  3. It can be relaxing sitting by your cozy fireplace space outdoors.
  4. You can control the smoke from your fireplace better than using a fire pit.
  5. Provides more privacy than going to a park to cook your food and dine outdoors.
  6. You can add a table and possibly add a food prep area.
  7. Great atmosphere for a party.
  8. An outdoor fireplace makes it possible to enjoy the outdoors in winter while staying warm.
  9. You can save money with your outdoor space and use it for a get away for a staycation.
  10. You can buy a fireplace kit or build one professionally.
  11. Easy maintenance.
  12. Worth the investment.

Is there anything more cozy and comfortable than sitting by a warm fire in a fireplace especially outside? If you are wondering if it is worth the investment, make that a resounding YES! This may be a bit subjective as there are differing opinions about whether it raises the value of your property. However it would definitely attract those interested in buying your home.

That being said the real reward or draw to a backyard fireplace is what it offers your family in the long run. There are many pros to building a fireplace and having a beautiful easy to maintain space for gathering with family or friends and entertaining outdoors. Here are my reasons according to Cathy for having an outdoor fireplace.

Getting Outdoors Is Healthy

It is so easy to justify having an outdoor fireplace but really now getting outdoors and being in nature is a thing! There is data to back up that being outdoors can lift your spirits and help you manage stress. It is healthy for you, for your kids, and your hubby! Inviting family over to enjoy your fireplace in your backyard can draw everyone together.

Opens Outdoor Possibilities For Family And Friends Fun

You know how people have outdoor sports courts, basketball standards, ping pong tables, swimming pool, etc…well they have things outdoors to do with family or friends. A fireside is like that. It is a family and friend magnet! Fairly cost effective because once you install it, it keeps on giving so to speak.

Having an outdoor fireside inspires fireside chats, relaxation, and card and board games where young and old have the opportunity to interact on a more intimate basis. It’s a great place to enjoy food, fun, and each other. Outdoor fireplaces are magical. Don’t know what it is about a fireplace but it influences people to open up and share with each other.

Great place for your children to bring friends to your home where you can keep on for them while providing a fun atmosphere. Would be an excellent place for birthday parties or holiday parties for roasting marshmallows and roasting hot dogs! Your house can be that house the everyone loves to gather at if you want it to be that way.

Source Roasting Marshmallows in A Backyard Fireplace

Relaxation Is A Plus

Can you put a price on relaxation? Just finding time to sit outside in nature and just observe the sky, the stars, smell the fresh air while relaxing by your fireplace. Being able to relax is such a powerful benefit. Yes you have to build the fire but that doesn’t take long if you have your firewood and kindling ready to go. There are many budget. friendly options as well for building a fireplace on a budget.

Not As Likely To Smell Like Smoke

One of the drawbacks of having an outdoor fire pit, your hair and clothes smell like fire once you are done sitting by the fire. The smoke is redirected through your chimney so you are less likely to smell like a fire. If it is windy, it may be a different story as far as the direction of the smoke but you have a better chance of enjoying your fire without the strong smell afterwards.

Privacy Is A Plus

I don’t know about you but I like privacy when celebrating or hanging out with family and friends. You can spend time at beautiful city parks but you can’t beat the privacy and sometimes safety like you find in your backyard if you have a fireplace to celebrate around. It is nice to just wander out your backdoor and set up for your party around the fireplace on your own turf. This also means it will be easier setting up because you won’t have to transfer all your food and party goods to your car and across town. Privacy and convenience! Hmmm that is a great combination in my book!

Source Add A Table To Your Backyard Entertaining Space

Add A Table For Entertaining

Style your backyard space like you want to by adding a table and maybe an island with a countertop on wheels. Perfect for food prep and adding more value to your fireside parties. If you want to pack up your table in the Winter months, you can put a folding table in your backyard retreat and store it indoors. There are tables made for outdoors that you can keep outside all year long if that suits your entertaining needs better.

Atmosphere Is Everything

Just picture it: a roaring fire, a romantic evening with your hubby kicked back dinner for two cuddling outdoors by your fireplace. Or having a special family member birthday celebration around the fire and telling stories and reminiscing. I mean it is like camping without all the dirt, smoke, and the mess is easy to clean up.!

If there is a fire in your outdoor fireplace, you don’t have to get too fancy in your party decor because it sets the mood and the atmosphere. People will love it no matter what you serve or how you decorate. Also for those times you just want to sit and chat with your teen, have some cookies and hot chocolate ready to go and ask them to start the fire. Sit by your fireplace. You could also do s’mores with your son or daughter. With the fireside chat atmosphere, hopefully they will relax and open up and talk to you. Even if you are just shooting the breeze this can be fun for your teen and you and help build your relationship. Firesides come in handy! Don’t think you can put a price on that!

Winter Magic

Wanna hear a secret? Winter is a great time to enjoy the outdoors especially if you can keep warm while doing it! Here are some fun ideas to utilize your fireplace even in Winter.

  • Build a fire in your outdoor fireplace and gather round. Invite your family to have a special evening singing around the fire while enjoying some cocoa bombs.
  • Set up a projector and watch a movie. Put the movie close enough to the fire that you can enjoy it or watch a movie on your laptop while enjoying your outdoor fire.
  • Have a snowman building contest and then run over to your fire to warm your hands and craft some s’mores.
  • Play charades by the fire.
  • Make tin foil dinners in your fireplace and then once they are done, place them on individual plates and eat up!
  • Listen to a radio play with your family by the fire wrapped in blankets sitting by your fireplace.

The ideas are endless for the fun you can have with your family or friends around your fireplace. You just have to get a little creative but your fireplace will inspire a magical atmosphere for all who use it.

A Fireplace Can Save You Money

Did this catch your attention? What’s that you say? An outdoor fireplace can save you money because you can use your fireplace and have a staycation in your backyard instead of spending money to travel. Camp out and enjoy the great outdoors in a private atmosphere. Not that it isn’t nice to travel and explore but enjoy what you have without the hassle of lines and worries about covid by just staying home and utilizing your backyard space for relaxation.

If you have older children with kids, invite them home for a weekend together and do a family reunion in style. No hotel fees, or camping without showers you have all of that in your own backyard and the fireplace is a special draw for everyone to enjoy.

Source Outdoor Fireplace

Build Your Own

It is my plan to have a backyard fireplace in the future…we have to finish remodeling our kitchen first. However I have pictured it many times in my mind in my backyard. I also collect pictures of entertaining spaces in the backyard having the space situated around a fireplace. There are many ways to accomplish this.

  • Build your own from a fireplace kit.
  • Research and find or create plans to build your own design.
  • Buy an existing fireplace already put together and ready to install.
  • Hire a professional to build an outdoor fireplace for you.

The way you choose to build your fireplace will ultimately depend on your budget. A simple design can be every bit as cherished as a more ornate and costly built outdoor fireplace. You can build your entertainment space around it and make it beautiful and functional with what you have or invest in new outdoor furniture and accessories according to how you design it. No matter the design, it can serve a wonderful purpose that will invite a comfort and cozy atmosphere, encourage family time together and you can’t put a price or value on that!

Easy To Maintain

A really great aspect of owning a backyard fireplace is the maintenance is pretty easy and cost effective! Consistently clean out the ashes in your fireplace once they are cooled down. When it is not in use, you may want to put a cover on the top of the chimney to keep little animals out of the structure.

Worth The Investment

I guess you can tell what I think about investing in an outdoor fireplace. I do think that it would help sell your home if you ever decide to sell. More importantly than that though, the time you spend relaxing and enjoying the outdoors by your fireplace with your family will create memories to last a lifetime. It can encourage you to slow down and enjoy your day. The crackling wood with fire dancing on top may help you lose track of time while helping to lower your stress levels.

It can up your entertaining game when you have friends come over to visit and play games. There are so many ways to justify this investment if you have the money to take on this project. You could involve older children in the building and upkeep of this structure too.

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