Quilt Applique: How To Do It And Reasons Why You Should Do It

Hand applique is fun, not that hard, relaxing, (addicting in a good way), and can take your quilt from ho hum to stunning. You will need some supplies, a quilt pattern, my instructions, and a cozy atmosphere to do it in. There are some amazing healthy benefits from quilt appliquéing too. Here we go!

Gather your supplies and a container to keep your applique project in such as a cute quilted bag to put them in. Choose the quilt applique pattern you will use (or design your own applique pattern to attach to your quilt blocks). Sew your appliques on using my easy method of needle turned applique or raw edge applique. Find a comfortable spot that you can cozy up in to do your applique . Some of the healthy benefits include: calming your brain, challenging your brain, it’s relaxing and fun, you can applique in short snippets of time so you don’t have to take a big chunk of time to work on it, and completing your project is so rewarding.

A # 11 hand work needle is small but packs a big punch because it can help you sew faster.

Supply List

Needle Size : John James #11 hand work needles

When I first learned that I should use a size #11 quilting needle for applique, I was very skeptical. It looked sooo small! I took a deep breath, bought the needles and went home to try it. It worked like a charm. This needle though small is designed to help you applique faster. Guess what? I can vouch for that because it really does make my sewing appliques to quilt blocks go much faster. Give it a try.

You want your applique thread color to match the item you are appliquéing. Here you see the quilting thread stands out instead.

Thread Type: 100% Cotton Thread. Match Your Thread To Your Applique

When choosing your thread, color match it to your applique and not the backing you are sewing it to. You want those applique stitches to appear invisable as if they are glued magically into place. You don’t want your applique stitches to compete with the quilting of your quilt. A time when you want your hand stitching to stand out would be if you are hand quilting with an accent Perle Cotton thread color to give your quilt more wow power like here Make A Farmhouse Quilt With Applique

3. Pins: The way I do needle turn applique makes my applique a little thicker so the applique stands out so I prefer to use short pins to secure the applique rather than glue. Long pins tend to get lassoed as you sew around the edge and that gets frustrating. Believe me! No need to get frustrated with appliquéing if you are giving this a go.

4. Sharp Scissors: This is a no brainer. You need scissors that you only use for sewing (I’m not exempt from this.) Many times I have reached for the scissors closest to me and learned the hard way how quickly those scissors become blunt so reserve scissors for sewing and only use them for fabric. Sharp scissors make applique cutting much easier! Gives you smoother edges too.

Sometimes quilt blocks are just a square of plain fabric and you applique an image on it.

Quilt Pattern: Find the quilt pattern you want to make. Make your quilt blocks before you start appliquéing. Choose a pattern according to your experience. You could also design your own quilt blocks and appliques to put on the quilt blocks. I like to attach my appliques before I quilt my quilt blocks. I think it adds to the overall look of the quilt and it is another way to secure your applique to your quilt after appliquéing.

There are all kinds of fun applique patterns. One Sister has some cute designs.

Prepare Your Applique: Trace your applique patterns before cutting them out. I like to make my patterns and then trace them on rinsed out and dried plastic milk cartons. They work really well. If you prefer, you can just use paper to trace and use for your patterns. Cardstock which is a thicker paper is a smart choice for tracing patterns on paper. If it is a pattern you intend to use again and again, you might want to cover your pattern pieces with clear contact paper. I like the plastic milk carton method. Holds it’s original shape well.

Glasses if needed: If your eyes are at the point where they need a little help, keep a set of bifocals with your applique supplies. Worst thing ever trying to find your glasses and having to spend time finding them because they aren’t where you can find them easily. Just slip them in your applique organizer. (A word about this later.)

Quilted Bag: Sew and quilt a quilted bag to put all of your applique supplies in. Make it something fresh and fun. Here is a simple Halloween bag/backpack I made for my granddaughter for her fall birthday but you can make your own design using fabric that you love and follow my directions here How To Make A Simple Kids Backpack: Halloween Style It doesn’t have to be Halloweenish this just gives you an easy pattern for a quilted bag to stay organized and have all your applique tools and applique project in one place.

How To Applique

Let’s start with needle turn applique. My method is just a bit different. I love the ease of it and it makes my edges easier to applique. You will find the step by step tutorial here, Needle Turn Applique Made Easier With No Fusible Web & Stunning Results For smaller applique pieces if this method is too difficult to do, you can either sew around them on the sewing machine or sew around them by hand like raw edge applique or secure them by using fusible web.

Raw Edge Applique can be used to create a lot of cute quilt blocks.

Raw Edge Applique

There are all kinds of cute ways to use raw edge applique. Sometimes I stuff my raw edge applique. Here is a cute table runner I created using both raw edge and my needle turned applique method Fun Easy DIY Raw Edge Flower Applique Table Runner the leaves are actually done using my needle turn method of applique but you could top stitch around the leaves instead using raw edge applique if you prefer. Another example of raw edge applique is here Can You Hand Stitch Raw Edge Applique?

It’s kind of unconventional but it is fun to sew what looks like rocks on a farmhouse. Details for how to’s in the link above.

You can apply quilt applique to more than just quilts. I designed a whimsical bunny and bloom garland using both methods needle turn and raw edge applique.

Create A Cozy Atmosphere

When you applique create the right atmosphere. Why not enjoy what you are doing and making a comfy, consistent place to applique is important to your success.


To thread your needles and see the stitches you are making you need more than adequate lighting. Sit somewhere by a window so you have plenty of sunshine filling your sewing space. If you applique at night, you want to make sure it isn’t too bright but bright enough to see what you are doing. Try placing a lamp with warm light bulbs in it next to the chair where you will be sitting. Either a standing floor lamp or a lamp that sits on an end table next to you should help light your cozy space.

Comfy Chair

You want to be comfortable. Make sure you sit where you are most comfortable because you might be sitting in the same place for awhile. (Like I mentioned, appliquéing can be addicting.) You don’t want any backaches or shoulder problems because of a chair you sat in. Find something to sit in that is super comfy and supportive.

Watch A Movie

If movies are your thing, watch a fun movie while you applique. Once you have everything ready to applique and you are sitting in your cozy space, turn it on and sew away! You will have your project done in no time if you do that.

Podcasts, Music, Audio Books

Podcasts are a good way to learn and improve in just about any area of your life that you want to while you applique. Or listen to an audio book. Do you like to listen to novels why you sew? Again there are so many genres available at your fingertips you might have a hard time choosing…pick a different book every day. If you just want to “vege” while you sew, turn on your favorite tunes and sing away.

Water Bottle Handy

Drink plenty of water or have a beverage of choice nearby while you sew. Just be careful where you set your glass or water bottle so it doesn’t spill on your applique project. You might have some favorite treats near by but you can’t really eat anything sticky or take a chance of getting food on your applique work so choose wisely if you choose to munch on something while sewing.

Applique doesn’t have to be perfect and it can be fun.

Healthy Benefits From Applique

There are actual health benefits that can come from appliquéing or any hobby that involves creating art. I consider quilt applique to be a form of art. A form of expression.

  • Studies show that creating art can help calm your brain. Who doesn’t need a calm brain these days in all the chaos and hustle and bustle that a day can bring. I really get lost in my appliqueing when I get sewing on a project. I mean I get so concentrated on moving the needle in and out and around the applique that my brain doesn’t have a minute to worry.
  • Appliqueing can help you de stress and relax. Especially if you create a cozy space to do it in. The nice thing about appliqueing is that it can be done in short snippets. Little amounts of time during your day rather than a whole movie’s worth if that is all the time you have in your day. Just a little 15 minute break. Longer if you want.
  • You can use your applique like a coping skill. Hobbies are great ways to cope with challenges.
  • It is so rewarding when you finish an applique project. When you take time to applique on a consistent basis in your day, you will feel like you accomplished something no matter how crazy your day might get. You feel some organization to your day.
  • Appliquéing can be just plain fun. Work on a quilt with applique with a friend. Meet together during the week and applique away. invite several people like a sewing bee. Some social interraction centered around your quilt applique is healthy for you as well.
  • Quilt applique to me is like putting a puzzle together. It is healthy for your brain to figure out the pattern and the applique.

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