Snowflake Quilt Block Design For Christmas Quilts

If you’re looking for a fun snowflake quilt block that has some attitude, slow stitching and is easy to sew together, stop now and take a look. For my snowflake quilt block design you will only need to use two fabrics. Great idea huh! Choose a main fabric with a main color such as blue and white dots on it to make your quilt block look like it is snowing. You will need a white fabric plain or with a slight graphic on it. This will be your flake in the snow. Let’s get sewing.

Your shopping list for this quilt block should include:

  • Main cotton fabric with white dots (I used a blue fabric with a variety of sizes of white dots made to look like snow.
  • White cotton fabric
  • White Perle Cotton or White DMC Embroidery thread for slow stitching
  • A number needle
  • This snowflake quilt block is versatile. You can make several different projects with just this one block.
  • A little time to meander and experiment with your snowflake…

I am a maker. I love creating. When you make a quilt,it like is creating art. No special rules to follow just a creative mind and a willing heart to make your quilt something special. I consider myself a quilt artist of sorts. I think you are too if you like to make quilts. You may or may not agree when you see my quilts but my quilts are not made of typical quilt blocks that many use and make. I like to give my quilts a whimsical vibe to my quilts. I like to add layers to them so my appliques stand out with a 3D look to them.

I started designing a Christmas advent mini quilt. You have to know that I love Christmas. I still believe in the magic of it all and Santa Claus. Yes, I still believe in Santa. Love and cherish and believe the scripture story of baby Jesus being born and all the feels that go with that. I will always believe! My mini quilt needed a decorative edge around it to finish it off. I kept thinking I should add a snowflake border of some sort around the outside edge of my quilt. So I came up with a simple and cute snowflake block for you to try.

You can create your snowflake quilt blocks the size you want them to be.

Choose The Size You Want

I designed my snowflake pattern using a 4″ block ruler. It is the perfect size for what I needed. You can make your snowflake quilt block the same size using a 4″ block ruler or you can easily make a bigger size snowflake if needed. Cut out a 4″ square out of your colored main fabric with the dots. Quick tip: cut all the snowflake blocks out that you want to make at once. That way once you are ready to sew, you can sew them up quicker. It’s called batch sewing and it really does save you a lot of time and grief. Best of all you see your snowflake quilt blocks come together quickly.

My snowflake block includes slow stitching which by the way can be relaxing to sew.

Create Your Snowflake Quilt Block

  • With your rotary cutter make a cut through each of your snowflake blocks on the diagonal. I like to start on the left side. Once you have each quilt block cut on the diagonal, cut the white strips you will need for your snowflake.
Cut your blue square of fabric on the diagonal. Sew your white strip in between them.
  • Cut (4) 1″ wide x 6″ long strips from your white fabric for each snowflake block.
  • Sew one white strip in the middle of the 2 pieces of blue dot fabric.
  • Press your snowflake block.
Cut your block the other way on the diagonal.
  • Now cut your snowflake quilt block in half the other way. Then sew another white strip to each side forming an X once your strip is sewn in.
It looks like an X once you sew the second white piece into your block.

Before you continue, take your square ruler and square up your block so it is the same size as your ruler. Wondering what square up means…cut your block the same size as the ruler you have been using for your blocks.

Cut your snowflake block in half.

Take your rotary cutter and cut your snowflake block in half. Now sew another 1″ x 6″ in the middle of your block to join both sides. Trim off the excess white strip.

Probably use this block on a quilt you only hand wash.

Slow Stitching On The Block

Cut out 5 small blocks size 1″ tall x 2 1/2″ long. You can make the block any size you want. Once your snowflake block is sewn and ready to add to your quilt add each small block using a running stitch ( considered a slow stitching stitch). Thread your needle with white Perle cotton or embroidery thread. Use a running stitch to sew your blocks on. Find a comfy well lit place to sew. Turn on something fun to watch, or turn on something relaxing to listen to. Get lost in your sewing for a few minutes. It can be very relaxing. The little blocks really make your snowflake look like a snowflake. Be advised there are a lot of snowflake blocks. You don’t have to finish them all at once. So take a little time each day to enjoy slow stitching and creating your snowflake blocks.

Makes a cute border for a winter or Christmas quilt.

Use This Snowflake Block For Many Projects

Aside from using this snowflake block as a border for a quilt, here are other projects you can use this block for:

  • Make a pillow with several snowflake blocks on the front or enlarge this block for one big snowflake on your throw pillow.
  • How about using this block for a table runner. There are all sorts of possibilities for snowflake blocks. Sew them with other blocks or just use this one simple block.
  • Make a bunting to hang across your fireplace.
  • Make individual snowflake blocks and add backing to them then use them for Christmas ornaments on your Christmas tree.
  • Use this snowflake block for placemats.
  • You could even use this snowflake block for a mug rug.

I’m sure you get my drift. It’s a cute little block and it can be used in a variety of fun ways.

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